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As at 3 Feb 2025

UKBOTA Mad March Hare Event 2025

Welcome to the Mad March Hare 2025 event. This event is an amateur radio activity event, for which awards are available for participation and level of achievement. The event is being run by United Kingdom Bunkers on the Air (UKBOTA).

The event runs throughout the month of March 2025.

Participation is welcomed from activators across the United Kingdom of Great Britain and  Northern Ireland and the Channel Islands, and from hunters and shortwave listeners world wide.

The basic idea for activators is to successfully operate from as many UKBOTA bunkers and ‘Large Squares’ (see definition below) as they can within the month of March 2025. The basic idea for hunters (and listeners) is to work (or hear) as many bunkers and ‘Large Squares’ as they can within the month of March 2025.

Bunkers worked in this event may also be valid for other UKBOTA awards, details of which can be found here.

Getting started – what you need to know!

These rules are fairly long so it’s worth giving yourself 30 minutes and sitting down with a coffee to read them slowly and digest them! The key things to understand are:

1. Large squares are multipliers.
2. Work / Activate as many bunkers and as many large squares as you can.
3. Try and score as many bonuses as you can.
4. Use the tracker(s) to take care of the scoring.
5. Ask any questions on the UKBOTA WhatsApp Group or UKBOTA Facebook page.

Who/What is the Mad March Hare?

Good question! Look here and here.

UKBOTA Bunker References

A full list of current UKBOTA bunker references is available to view here. The list can be downloaded here. A map showing all current UKBOTA bunker references along with other types of activation references, eg. POTA, can be viewed here.

Large Squares

For the purposes of this event United Kingdom and Channel Island Large Squares are the initial 2 character letters of the Grid Reference signifying unique 100Km x 100Km squares of the Ordnance Survey mapping system, eg. ‘TA’. More information on this mapping system can be found here and here. Northern Ireland Large Squares are based on the Irish mapping system and comprise a single letter only, eg. ‘J’. More information on the Irish Grid Reference System can be found here.

A note on Worked All Britain squares: The WAB scheme uses the same mapping system to determine squares, however, a WAB Square also contains a two digit number. Therefore, for WAB Square TA11 the Large Square is ‘TA’, and for J07 the Large Square is ‘J’.

Note: Not all Large Squares contain UKBOTA bunkers.

The illustration below shows all Large Squares of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the Channel Islands. 

To aid clarity, here is the Large Square layout for Northern Ireland only (although showing the boundary with the Republic of Ireland):

The image below shows the version of the KML that can be downloaded (see below), note that Large Squares which do not contain UKBOTA bunker references are labelled in red:


This KML file can be used as a layer with Google Earth to show bunker references and Large Squares at the same time as shown in the image below for Large Square TF. Note how the activation zone for a number of bunkers overlaps the Large Square boundary which illustartes the need for activators to check which square they are activating from! Note how, for example, B/G-0595 (bottom left, below) could be activated from any one of four large squares (but only one of them per activator!). Additionally, note that the activator must use the same large square for the bunker for both HF and VHF activations if they chose to do both.


Activator Rules and Guidance

Eligibility.  All radio amateurs in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the Channel Islands are eligible to activate in the event. All activators must operate within the specific conditions of their licence.

Activation Zone. All activations must be within 1000m (1km) of the bunker location given in the UKBOTA list. 

Large Square. The Large Square being activated is the Large Square the activator is activating from. In most cases this will be the same Large Square as the bunker is located, however, where a bunker activation zone overlaps with a Large Square boundary it is important to check the correct Large Square is used.

Exchanges.  An exchange is valid if signal reports and an acknowledgement are received in both directions. It is not necessary to exchange the bunker reference(s) and Large Square in each QSO and is a matter of judgement for the activator regarding how often that information is repeated.

Valid activationsFor an HF activation to be valid a minimum of 25 stations must be worked, for VHF the minimum is 5 . HF QSOs with the same hunter but on  a different HF band count as an additional valid QSO for the HF activation. VHF QSOs with the same hunter but on  a different VHF band count as an additional valid QSO for the VHF activation. For the purposes of this event the VHF bands are 6M, 4M, 2M and 70cm. Additional QSOs with the same hunter on the same band but using a different mode (eg. SSB and FT8) do not count as an additional valid QSO. Each UKBOTA bunker may only be claimed once on HF and once on VHF during the event. A valid QSO can be gained by working another station within the same activation zone but in accordance with general UKBOTA rules this is not a valid Bunker to Bunker (B2B) QSO for other UKBOTA awards.

Bunker to Bunker (B2B). There is no B2B element to this event, however, valid B2B QSO remain valid for other UKBOTA awards.

Return visits.
Return visits to the same bunker are permitted, for additional QSOs, within the month of March, if the bunker is not a valid activation (25 QSO Points HF / 5 Points VHF) on the initial attempt(s). For return visits the date of the first attempt should be recorded on the tracker (if the tracker is being used). QSOs on return visits may include those with the same hunter already worked at the same bunker on earlier attempts.

Safety and right of access
.  UKBOTA accept no responsibility for the safety of activators. All activators are to take personal responsibility to ensure that their activation is safe. Publication of a bunker reference does not in any way infer a right of access to either the bunker site or anywhere within the activation zone. When there is any doubt about right of access, or the legality to operate, the activator is advised to seek advice from the landowner or their nonimated representative before embarking on an activation.

Activator Scoring and Multipliers

One ‘bunker point’ is awarded for the successful activation of a UKBOTA bunker on each of HF and VHF, ie. one point each.

Final scores for the event are a calculation of total bunkers activated multiplied by a factor. This factor is known as a multiplier. Activator Multipliers can be gained into 2 ways:

(1) By successfully activating Large Squares. Each new Large Square successfully activated awards 1 (one) multiplier point. The large square multiplier can be claimed once for HF and once for VHF, therefore each square is worth 2 (two) multiplier points if activated on HF and VHF. Note that the VHF multiplier will only be awarded for a Large Square if the Large Square has also been activated on HF, these HF and VHF activations do not need to happen on the same day. 

(2) By successfully completing bonus tasks. A total of 6 multiplier points can be gained from bonuses (see below)

Activators wishing to maximise their overall scores will wish to activate as many bunkers and Large Squares as possible on both HF and VHF and to complete all of the bonus tasks. Some planning will be required to maximise scores based on personal preference and style of activating!

Activator Bonuses

The following Activator Bonuses are available for completing specific tasks. If you decide to use the Activator Tracker these bonuses will be automatically calculated and added to your score. Each bonus task completed will award 1 (one) additional multiplier.

Activator Bonus 1. Successfully activate a minimum of one UKBOTA bunker on day one of the event (1st March 2025).

Activator Bonus 2. Successfully activate a minimum of one UKBOTA bunker on the final day of the event (31st March 2025).

Activator Bonus 3. Successfully activate a minimum of five UKBOTA bunkers each with at least 100 valid QSO. Each activation must be on a different day, therefore if a 3fer is activated with a 120 or more QSO it only counts as one of the 5 for this bonus not 3.

Activator Bonus 4. Accumulate a grand total of 1000 valid QSO from all successful UKBOTA bunker activations during March 2025.

Activator Bonus 5. Successfully activate 3 UKBOTA bunkers using 5W or less. Each activation must be on a different day, therefore if a 2fer is activated with 5W or less it only counts as one of the 3 required for this bonus not 2 points. For each activation it must completed in one outing.

Activator Bonus 6. Successfuly activate 3 UKBOTA Night Owl bunkers. Each activation must be on a different day, therefore if a 2fer is activated as a Night Owl it counts as one of the 3 required for this bonus not 2 points.  For each activation it must completed in one outing.

Activator Awards

Activator awards may be claimed at the following levels of total event points (bunkers x multipliers):

Participant Award: 1 to 19 
Bronze: 20 to 99
Silver: 100 to 249
Gold: 250 to 499
Diamond: 500 to 999
Master: 1000 or above


(1) Activate 25 bunkers in 4 Large Squares all HF, no bonuses = 25 x 4 = 100 = Silver.

(2) Activate 38 bunkers in 4 Large Squares on HF, 2 of which were also on VHF, and score all bonuses = (38+2) * (4+2+ 5) = 440 = Gold (almost Diamond!)  

Awards claims are simple and do not require submission of logs or trackers. All that is required is an email to our Awards Manager (Mark, M0XIC): stating the total points gained and the award level being claimed, these awards, like all other UKBOTA awards, are based on trust.


Hunter/SWL Rules and Guidance

Where the phrase ‘work’ is used for hunter it can be replaced by ‘heard’ for Shortwave Listeners.

Mad March Hare 2025 participation and awards are available to hunter and shortwave listeners worldwide.

Large Square. The Large Square being activated is the Large Square the activator is activating from. In most cases this will be the same Large Square as the bunker is location, however, where a bunker activation zone overlaps with a Large Square boundary it is important to check the correct Large Square is recorded.

Exchanges.  An exchange is valid if signal reports and an acknowledgement are received in both directions. It is not necessary to exchange the bunker reference(s) and Large Square in each QSO and is a matter of judgement for the activator. If the hunter is unsure they should ask the activator for their bunker references and Large Square during the QSO.

Valid bunkers. HF QSOs with the with the same bunker but on a different HF band or mode  do not count as an additional valid HF bunker for the hunter. VHF QSOs with the same bunker but on a different VHF band count as an additional valid VHF bunker for the hunter. Each bunker may only be claimed once by the hunter, on each of HF and VHF, during the event.

For the purposes of this event VHF bands at 6M, 4M, 2M and 70cm. 

Hunter/SWL Scoring and Multipliers

One ‘bunker point’ is awarded for successfully working a UKBOTA bunker on each of HF and VHF, ie. one pooint for working the bunker on HF and one point for working it on VHF.

Final scores for the event are a calculation of total bunkers worked multiplied by a factor. This factor is known as a multiplier. Hunter/SWL Multipliers can be gained into 2 ways:

(1) By successfully working Large Squares. Each new Large Square successfully worked awards 1 (one) multiplier point. The large square multiplier can be claimed once for HF and once for VHF, therefore each square is worth 2 (two) multiplier points if activated on HF and VHF. Note that the VHF multiplier will only be awarded for a Large Square if the Large Square has also been activated on HF, these HF and VHF activations do not need to happen on the same day. 

(2) By successfully completing bonus tasks. A total of 6 multiplier points can be gained from bonuses (see below)

Hunters and SWL wishing to maximise their overall scores will wish to work as many bunkers and Large Squares as possible on both HF and VHF and to complete all of the bonus tasks. Some planning will be required to maximise scores based on personal preference and style of  hunting!

Hunter Bonuses

The following Hunter Bonuses are available for completing specific tasks. If you decide to use the Hunter Tracker these bonuses will be automatically calculated and added to your score. Each bonus task completed will award 1 (one) additional multiplier.

Hunter Bonus 1. Work a UKBOTA bunker on day one of the event (1st March 2025).

Hunter Bonus 2. Work a UKBOTA bunker on the last day of the event (31st Match 2025).

Hunter Bonus 3. Work a UKBOTA bunker activating from any four of: England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man.

Hunter Bonus 4. Work 10 bunkers with you hunting using 5W or less.

Hunter Bonus 5. Work 5 UKBOTA bunkers on any HF band other than 40m, each must be on a different day

Hunter Bonus 6. Work 5 UKBOTA night owl activations, each must be on a different day.

SWL Bonuses: Same as Hunter Bonuses, replace ‘Work’ with ‘Hear’. Bonus 5 is not possible for a SWL and is replaced by: ‘Hear UKBOTA bunkers on 7 consecutive days in March 2025.

Hunter/SWL Awards

Hunter/SWL  awards may be claimed at the following levels of total event points (bunkers x multipliers):

Participant Award: 1 to 19 
Bronze: 20 to 999
Silver: 999 to 2499
Gold: 2499 to 4999
Diamond: 5000 to 9999
Master: 10000 or above


(1) Work 20 bunkers in 10 Large Squares all HF = 20 x 10 = 200 = Bronze

(2) Work 55 bunkers in 20 Large Squares on HF, 4 of which were also on VHF and 1 bunker on VHF only = (55+4+1) x (20+4) = 1440 = Silver

Awards claims are simple and do not require submission of logs or trackers. All that is required is an email to our Awards Manager (Mark, M0XIC): stating the total points gained and the award level being claimed, these awards, like all other UKBOTA awards, are based on trust.


One ‘bunker point’ is awarded for the successfully working a UKBOTA bunker on each of HF and VHF.

Final scores for the event are a calculation of total bunkers worked multiplied by a factor. This factor is known as a multiplier. Hunter multipliers can only be scored by working stations in Large Squares or from bonuses (see below). Each new Large Square successfully work awards 1 (one) multiplier point. The Large Square multiplier can be claimed once for HF and once for VHF, therefore each Large Square is worth 2 (two) multiplier points if worked on HF and VHF. Note that the VHF multiplier will only be awarded for a Large Square if it has also been worked on HF, these HF and VHF QSOs do not need to happen on the same day. 

Hunters wishing to maximise their overall scores will wish to work as many bunkers and as many large squares as possible on both HF and VHF, and score the maximum number of bonus multipliers.

What is a tracker? A tracker is a document template, usually a spreadsheet, designed to help keep track of stations worked for a particular purpose, in this case the Mad March Hare 2025 event. The tracker also helps keep a running score of bunkers activated or worked, Large Squares, bonuses (where applicable) and keeps a running total of the total points score with an indication of which award level can be claimed.

Do I need to use a tracker? Whilst the use of a tracker will probably help most participants in the event it is definately not mandatory to use a tracker. You are welcome to use any method you wish to keep track of your Mad March Hare 2025 activations and hunted bunkers. Some will be happy to use pen and paper, others will use their generic logbook programme and set up custom awards.

Will the tracker work with my software? The tracker has been tested and works correctly on Excel version for 2019 as well as the latest versions of Google Sheets (free) and Libre Office (free), it may also work on other or earlier spreadsheet applications but full functionality is not tested or guaranteed.

The latest version of the ‘all in one’ Mad March Hare 2025 tracker for activators, hunters and shortwave listeners can be downloaded here. (coming soon!)