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In answer to a few questions that have cropped up recently:


1. What is happening to the Bunker on the Air awards scheme after 31st October 2023? The scheme will continue as a perpetual scheme like SOTA and POTA from 1st November 2023. Refreshed rules and the new schedule of awards will be added in the new year.
2. Will October continue to be a special Bunkers Activity Month each year after 2023? Yes, that is the plan and it will work in conjunction with the perpetual awards scheme.
3. Will the points I have accrued as a Hunter or Activator carry forward into the perpetual awards scheme? Yes
4. Why is a bunker at xxx not included on the current list of valid bunkers? The current list is entirely focussed on ROC Observation Posts and HQ control bunkers.
5. Do you have plans to add additional bunkers? Yes, we intend to add a number of additional bunkers to our reference list early in the new year. That being said, there will almost certainly be bunkers missing – there are simply too many for us to have a scheme that would include them all – if there is a bunker you are keen to have added to the next version of the list please let one of the admin team know.
6. Do you plan to add bunkers outside UK? No (with the exception of the Channel Islands). However, should another country wish to establish their own Bunkers on the Air scheme we would be pleased to collaborate.
7. How do I submit my log? There is no need to submit anything if you do not wish to make an award claim. If you do wish to make a claim then our preferred way is that you upload the relevant tracker via our website.
8. Can I claim using a logbook and not bother with trackers. We would prefer if you didn’t, but if you are having problems with trackers please contact the Awards Manager direct about how best to make a claim.
9. Why is it not all automated like SOTA? We do not have a complex automated log management system like SOTA but would love to develop something similar, if you have the skills and time to develop such a system let one of the admin team know!
In the October Event:
10. Can I activate the same bunker multiple times? Yes, but you can only claim the Reference Point for it once in the month. You may activate from the same bunker multiple times in order to increase your Activity Award score, the QSO count for multiple activations is cumulative for the Activator. Hunters may only claim the Bunker once during the month, irrespective of whether they work the same or a different station from that bunker. Activators will score additional points from working the same hunter if the QSO is on a different day or band.
11. If the activation zone of 2 or more Bunkers overlap, can I claim all overlapping bunkers? Yes, as long as the activation point is in the overlap area of all claimed bunkers. Activators and Hunters can claim all bunkers within the activation area.
12. Can I use a club call in a bunker activation? Yes
13. If I have access to a number of callsigns can I hunt with all of them? Yes, they will all count as individual points to the callsign you used for the QSO.

14. Can two stations activating the same bunker at the same time claim points? Yes, for both the Activity, Hunter and B2B awards.

As a polite reminder, please also read the Rules. The answers to most questions are there.