This page refers to awards and rules for UKBOTA (UK Bunkers on the Air). Rules and information for WWBOTA, ONBOTA and OKBOTA awards can be found on their website.
This page contains ‘Quick Links’ to regular awards, Other Awards, General Rules, Old (now obsolete awards) and a note on multischeme activations.
Click the image below for the 2025 Bunkerteer Award
These awards are not currently on Quick Links.
DX Award (Activators)
Night Owl
This award has been updated and bunkers can now be activated and chased monthly. This award is now for UKBOTA QSO between 1900 and 0400 UTC.
1000/2000 Club (Activators)
Safety and Permissions
Claiming Awards
We actively encourage and support multi-scheme activations. This will make your activation more exciting and rewarding.
No schemes are excluded from this as we are a fully inclusive Award Scheme.
The rules for Advent 24 can now be viewed here: