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Hunter's Lifetime Reference Award

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Hunter’s Lifetime Reference Award


This award is based on how many unique UKBOTA References a Hunter has worked in their lifetime; it is a continuously accumulating award.


This award began 1st October 2023. Hunters are welcome to retrospectively add

QSOs conducted in 2023 by extracting the data from their 2023 Annual Awards Trackers or other records.

Scoring and additional notes

One point is awarded to the Hunter for each unique bunker reference worked. This point may only ever be claimed once in a lifetime irrespective of how many times, bands or modes the reference is


This award may be claimed in the following tiers. Unique references activated in a lifetime:

Bronze = 50

Silver = 150

Gold = 300

Platinum = 500

Sapphire = 750

Diamond = 1000

Other tiers may be added at a later date

Applying for the Award

Applications for this award can only be made through the UKBOTA Bunkerbase website, anyone requiring additional support is requested to contact the UKBOTA Awards Manager.