Hunter's Annual Reference VHFAward 2024
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Hunter’s Annual VHF Award 2024 |
Description |
This award is based on how many UKBOTA References a Hunter was worked on VHF and above during the calendar year. |
Duration |
This award began 1st TJune 2024 and ends 31st December 2024. his award is based on how many UKBOTA References an Activator has activated on VHF and above during the calendar year. |
Scoring and additional notes |
For the purposes of this Awards VHF = any band above 6m inclusive, eg. 6m, 4m, 2m, 70cm, 23cm and so on. Each bunker can only be hunted once per month for VHF points, however, if the bunker has laready been worked on HF, and is subsequently worked on VHF then the VHF point is additionally awarded. There are no additional QSO awarded for working the same in bunker on more than one mode on VHF. |
Tiers |
This award may be claimed in the following tiers, based on the following numbers of points gained (valid VHF QSO) Bronze = 3 Silver = 5 Gold = 10 Platinum = 20 Ruby = 30 Sapphire = 40 Other tiers may be added at a later date |
Applying for the Award |
Applications for this award can only be made through the UKBOTA Bunkerbase website, anyone requiring additional support is requested to contact the UKBOTA Awards Manager. |