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What is UK Bunkers on the Air (UKBOTA)?

Our Aim

The aim and purpose of the UK Bunkers On The Air (UKBOTA) programme and awards scheme is to support radio amateurs and short-wave listeners, both in the United Kingdom and overseas, to communicate with other radio amateurs activating ROC and other types of bunkers in the United Kingdom. UKBOTA is proud to be part of Worldwide Bunkers on the Air (WWBOTA). More information on WWBOTA and with links to other national partner schemes can be found hereWhilst not a contest, awards (PDF certificates) will be issued to both activators and hunters submitting logs and demonstrating QSO with the requisite number of stations. Awards are also available for SWL submitting reception logs. UKBOTA is beginner friendly but also offers challenges to the more experienced portable operator and activation chaser. UKBOTA is not a competitve awards scheme, we make a point of not producing league tables.

A little history

The Bunkers on  the Air (BOTA) programme was born in 2005. UKBOTA is born of a desire to rekindle interest in the activation of ROC Bunkers. The idea of activating bunkers orginally came from Brian G8GMU and his grandson Joshua M3HBM almost 20 years ago, who with the Coventry Amateur Radio Society, activated several bunkers in their local area. Subequently, by 2010, a Bunkers on the Air scheme was integrated into into Castle and Stately Homes On The Air Team (CASHOTA) By Chris Darlington M0DOL. The good work (and recent support) of those who ran the previous activities and schemes is acknowledged with gratitide. A UKBOTA event was run in October 2023, focussed on Royal Observer Corps posts, and was dedicated to the memory of M0DOL (now SK).

UKBOTA today

Today the award scheme is vibrant, healthy and well supported. We hope that you have enjoyed reading about UK Bunkers on the Air and that you might consider activating or chasing one very soon. Remember that is award scheme is available to all UK radio amateurs and SWL. Overseas radio amateurs and SWL are also very welcome to participate as hunters. Most bunker activations seem to take place on 40m or 20m, but you can operate on any band or mode you wish. Participation from clubs is particularly welcome. Most activations are quickly spotted on the DX cluster, Facebook site and our WhatsApp ‘spots’ group. UKBOTA is proud to partner the Radio Society of Great Britain in their new RSGB Logbook Explorer initiative.

Getting Started
Join our active and friendly Facebook communiy by here.
* Have a look at our getting started guide here.
* BunkerBase is our awards database, this also contains a full detailed list of all UK bunkers (separate registration required).
* Details of available awards can be found by clicking here.
* Download the latest version of our UKBOTA reference list using the buttons below.
* Click here to visit our sponsors M1ECC antennas, home of the Slidewinder.

Click here for our Facebook Group

Click here for our WhatsApp Group 

How to keep track of bunkers you work

The easiest way is to use of free online tool BunkerBase (requires registration). Visit the BunkerBase website here and use the menu to navigate to the Hunter Dashboard.

M1SDH UK Multi-Scheme Activation Map

If the map is difficult to read on your device screen please try opening it using the button below:

Visit the UKBOTA Store

Visit the UKBOTA Merchandise store here for cups, badges and more.

Meet the UKBOTA Admin Team

  • Bill M0DXT – The Boss
  • Carl M0ICR – Reference List, Mapping, Awards Design
  • Mark M0XIC – Awards Manager
  • Phil G7TVB – Database and IT support, Merchandise
  • Jason 2E0JIV – Communications and outreach
  • Rob M1EGP – Sponsorship

Contact us

  • General Enquiries –
  • Awards Claims –
  • Bunkerbase and logging-in issues –

Fraser MM0EFI activates a bunker in Scotland

If only all bunkers were as comfortably appointed! Watch as Fraser (YouTube channel Radio Rover) visits and activates the Royal Observer Corps bunker for HQ 28 Group in Dundee.

Bill M0DXT activates the bunker at ROC Threlkeld in the Lake District